Monday, July 30

Urinetown the Musical

Colchester man plays a bleeding heart on and off the stage.

Joshua Slade, works for a statewide affordable housing nonprofit, whichpromotes, in addition to other things, green design and buildingstandards, water conservation and renewable energy resources. As thehero in the Stowe Theatre Guild production of Urinetown the Musical.

Josh, as Bobby Strong, seeks compassionate water conservation methods despite the heavy handed antics of a large corporation that spends hugesums of money buying legislators and police protection. Urinetown the Musical, a three time Tony Award® winner, pokes fun atcertain methods of water conservation, taxes, politics and love. Thisdelightfully funny musical comedy opens Wednesday, August 15 and runsWednesday through Saturday through September 1 at the Town Hall Theatrein Stowe. Curtain time is 8:00 p.m. All seats are reserved. Fortickets and information call 253.3961 or click on

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